Thursday, April 7, 2011

Lesson Plan

Objectives (SWBAT):
-Understand life as a slave in North America.
-Explain the differences between slave life in the North and slave life in the South.
-Connect what they learned in class to Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl by Harriet Jacobs.

Materials: handouts, color pencils/crayons, Projector, laptop, and notebook, and portfolios

AIM: How was life as a slave in North America?

Do Now: Color in the map where slavery existed and where there were free states. Use Red for slave states, Blue for Free states, and Yellow for Territories.

-We are going refresh students’ memory on slavery.
-We are going to help students understand the difference between slave life in the North and slave life in the South.
-Using the research our teaching group found, we will try to get students to connect this information to Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl by Harriet Jacobs.
Mini Lesson: Slideshow (Background Information on slavery and Harriet Jacobs)
The various settings of Slavery in North America

-Explain difference about slave’s conditions in North and south
-Harriet Jacobs connect these ideas to the book and Harriet Jacobs
- Introduce class and refresh memory on slavery in the north and south of America
Class Activity: Write a journal entry on your daily routine as a slave
You can start out by imagining that you’re a slave. From there on, think about what your daily routines would be.(Natalie Hyde: Write what you think slaves do everyday on the plantation)

Share Out: The students will share out what they have written.

Homework: Create a small collage on what slavery means to you and how setting affected slavery. Write a paragraph explaining your collage. Remember to cite your sources.

Work Citied:

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Harriet Jacobs

  • Her full name was Harriet Ann Jacobs.
  • She was born in Feb 1813 in North Carolina.
  • She died March 1897 and burned in Massachusetts, he tomb stone read "Patient in tribulations, reverent in spirit serving the lord".
  • Her mother was Delilah Horniblow and when she died while Harriet was still an infant (age 6) and then realized that she was a slave.
  • After her mother's death her mother's mistress taught her to read and write.
  • She was sexually harassed for nearly a decade and wasn't able to marry anyone.
  • She became free after a while because she bought her own freedom

Abolition Movement

  • This was the attempt of ending slavery and slave trade in general in both North and South.
  • Some Abolitionist were very violent like John Brown who was a white man who killed a few people trying to stop slavery.
  • Others were more involved in protest like Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks.
  • This movement had little effect on the South part of America and everything under the south
  • The president Abraham Lincoln supported the Abolition Movement and therefore the North had a great success and the Emancipation Proclamation was passed which is a law that prohibited any type of slaves.

Plantation Life

  • These slaves worked on a tobacco plantation.
  • The hours the slaves spent in these fields were endless.
  • Later on they invented the "cotton gin" which produced cotton, soon it because the most sold thing in the market.
  • Since it was so popular there were need more slaves and more hours of their time on the fields.
  • There was barely indifference in whether you were a regnant women or a strong man, either way you were put to work in the fields.
  • The slaves worked throughout the year - summer,winter (everything)
  • If you weren't able to do the day's task you would get a punishment that was harsh but that wasn't deadly.
  • The food was extremely little or no portions .
  • Everyday they were dieing from the mistreatment little by little.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Slavery and it's setting in North America

  • At some point in the 1800's slavery was seen in both North America as in South America, what changed this was the 13th Amendment.
  • The 13th Amendment stated that it was illegal to have a slave in the North.
  • In the South, there was an immense amount of farms and the slaves were put out to work on their master's plantations.
  • These slaves went through some harsh times, the weather conditions weren't always pleasant and their pay was below average for that time period.

Fugitive Slave Act/ Law

    • Congress passed this law in September, 1850This law was also known as "The Compromise of 1850".
    • The law was to have all officials arrest all runaway slaves and give them back to their masters.
    • If these officials let a runaway slave continue running then they would get a penalty of $1,000.
    • If anyone who helped a runaway slave with shelter and food, could go to prison for a month and a fine of $1,000If you were suspicious of being a slave, the officials didn't need a warrant to arrest them.

    Slave Trade

    • There was a compromise called "The Triangular Trade".
    • This compromise involved lot of trading; it started of with the Europeans trading goods to Africa like copper, guns, pots, manila,etc.
    • Then Africa would trade goods to America like enslaved men, women, children.
    • Finally America would trade goods to Europe like sugar, rice, rum,etc.
    • The slave's journey to America was very crucial because there was many diseases and starvation on the ships and many of them died.
    • During this era, the slave in America was only used as servants to the rishest people in America.